Montecristo Open Eagle


Explore the Montecristo Open Eagle, a standout cigar known for its smooth, balanced flavor and impeccable construction. Perfect for leisure. Box of 25 Cigars Montecristo 46 149 mm / 5.9 inches Medium Corona Gorda


Welcome to our review of the Montecristo Open Eagle cigar! We are Duty Free Cuban Cigars, a quality online store where you can find the best Cuban cigars. You can check out our selection here.

What is Montecristo Open Eagle?

The Montecristo Open Eagle is a special type of cigar. It’s made in Cuba, where many of the best cigars come from. This cigar is part of the Montecristo brand, which is very famous. People who love cigars often choose Montecristo because they know it’s good quality.

Why is it Called Open Eagle?

The name Open Eagle is special. Open is for a series of cigars made for people who like to be outside, like when playing golf or sailing. Eagle is a strong bird and it also means a top score in golf. So, the Montecristo Open Eagle is a cigar that is great for enjoying when you are outside having fun.

How Does it Look?

The Montecristo Open Eagle is a big cigar. It’s longer and thicker than many other cigars. This makes it last a long time when you smoke it. The cigar has a nice, smooth wrapper that is light brown in color. This wrapper is made from tobacco leaves that are very carefully chosen.

What Does it Taste Like?

When you smoke the Montecristo Open Eagle, you will taste many different flavors. It starts with a light, fresh taste. As you keep smoking, you might notice hints of wood, nuts, and even a little bit of spice. These flavors mix together to make a very enjoyable experience. Even people who don’t smoke cigars often can enjoy the smooth and gentle taste of this cigar.

How to Smoke a Montecristo Open Eagle?

Smoking a cigar is not the same as smoking a cigarette. Here are some steps to enjoy your Montecristo Open Eagle:

  • Cut the End: You need a special cutter to cut off the end of the cigar. This helps you draw smoke through it.
  • Light it Right: Use a match or a special lighter made for cigars. Hold the flame close but not touching the cigar. Turn the cigar to light it evenly.
  • Take Your Time: Don’t inhale the smoke. Take slow, gentle puffs and let the smoke fill your mouth. Enjoy the flavors.
  • Relax: Smoking a cigar is about relaxing. Find a comfortable place to sit and take your time.

Who Would Like This Cigar?

The Montecristo Open Eagle is a great choice for many people. Here are some people who might like it:

  • New Smokers: The light and fresh taste is not too strong. It’s a good cigar for someone who is just starting to try cigars.
  • Golfers: Because of its name, many golfers like to smoke this cigar on the golf course.
  • Outdoor Lovers: If you enjoy spending time outside, this cigar is made for you. It’s perfect for a sunny day at the park or on a boat.
  • Cigar Fans: Even if you are an experienced smoker, you will appreciate the quality and flavors of this cigar.

Why Buy Montecristo Open Eagle from Duty Free Cuban Cigars?

When you buy from Duty Free Cuban Cigars, you get the best quality cigars. We make sure that every cigar is stored in the best conditions. This keeps the cigars fresh and tasty. Plus, we have a great selection of other Cuban cigars for you to try.

Customer Reviews

Many people who have tried the Montecristo Open Eagle love it. Here are some things they have said:

  • John: This cigar is perfect for a day out on the golf course. The taste is smooth and it lasts a long time.
  • Sarah: I am new to cigars, but I really enjoyed the Montecristo Open Eagle. It’s not too strong and has a nice flavor.
  • Mike: I’ve been smoking cigars for years and this one is a favorite. The quality is top-notch.

How to Store Your Cigars

To keep your Montecristo Open Eagle cigars fresh, you need to store them properly. Here are some tips:

  • Use a Humidor: A humidor is a special box that keeps cigars at the right humidity. This keeps them from drying out.
  • Keep it Cool: Store your cigars in a cool place, away from sunlight and heat.
  • Check Often: Make sure to check the humidity levels in your humidor regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Montecristo Open Eagle?

Montecristo Open Eagle is a premium Cuban cigar, known for its rich flavor and smooth draw.

How Does Montecristo Open Eagle Taste?

It offers a mild to medium flavor profile, with hints of wood, nuts, and subtle sweetness.

Where Can I Buy Montecristo Open Eagle?

You can purchase Montecristo Open Eagle from Duty Free Cuban Cigars, a trusted online store.

Is Montecristo Open Eagle Good For Beginners?

Yes, its mild to medium strength makes it suitable for beginners and experienced smokers alike.


The Montecristo Open Eagle is a fantastic cigar for many different people. Whether you are new to smoking or have been enjoying cigars for years, you will love the smooth and fresh taste. It’s perfect for enjoying outside, especially when playing golf or sailing. Remember, you can get your Montecristo Open Eagle cigars from Duty Free Cuban Cigars. We offer the best quality and a great selection of Cuban cigars.

Thank you for reading our review. We hope you enjoy your Montecristo Open Eagle!


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